Other activities

Fun activities at Södra Berget

Södra Bergets Outdoor activity area

Our adventure park is located within the Södra Bergets outdoor activity area surrounded by beautiful nature and spectacular views. Besides a visit to our park, you can also find nature trails to hike, a fresbee golf course, an outside gym and a childrens playground. 

Hotel Södra Berget

This hotel offers a spectacular view, a spa area and excellent food. We highly recommend this option if you want a comfortable stay and a nice place to relax in after you gave it your all in our park! 

Södra Berget Bike Park

Downhill cycling where you can take the lift up and then just go for it! 

Strike Club

An activity centre where you can do bowling, prison island, shuffelborading, lasergame among other things, and of course you can eat in between activities.  

Everything we do stems from our fundamental values Thorough, Safe, Innovative, Including and Challenging. We are passionate, we work hard, we care about the experience of each single visitor, we take part in the development of this industry and we have SO much fun along the way!